In the course, you will learn all the concepts of flexbox and media queries.
We will learn all the concepts with the help of code examples.
Following are the topics we will cover:
1.1-Installing VS Code and Server extension
1.2-Introduction to Flexbox
1.3-Setup index.html and style.css files
1.4- Reset margin padding box-sizing on universal operator
1.5-Styling the Boxes
1.6-Apply display flex on parent
1.7-Flex Direction row row-reverse column column-reverse
1.8-Flex grow shrink
2.1-Justify Content Flex Start
2.2-Justify Content Flex End
2.3-Justify Content Center
2.4-Justify Content Space-Around
2.5-Justify Content Space-Between
3.1-Why you should not use Float property
3.2-Align Item Flex End
3.3-Align Item Flex Start
3.4-Align Item Center
3.5-Flex Basis asme as Width on Flex Item
4.1-Responsivesness with Media Query
4.2-Flex Wrap Layout Creation
4.3-Styling the Flex layout
4.4-Making Screen Responsive with Flex Wrap
4.5-Enhancing the responsiveness
I always feared responsiveness in CSS but no more after this course, awesome explanation and projects