Lecture 73: ReactJS introduction and environment setup00:19:27
Lecture 74: create react app00:5:00
Lecture 75: program flow and project files walkthrough00:12:13
Lecture 76: types of components in react3:38
Lecture 77: creating and using 1st functional component7:47
Lecture 78: creating 1st stateful class component3:45
Lecture 79: ES6 functional component, export and import7:12
Lecture 80: comparision between functional and class component3:00
Lecture 81: react hooks intro00:02:41
Lecture 82: jsx explained00:04:12
Lecture 83: props in functional and class component00:22:53
Lecture 84: state vs props00:11:20
Lecture 85: deep dive into setState00:14:43
Lecture 86: Handling form in class component part-100:03:19
Lecture 87: Handling form in class component part-200:15:15
Lecture 88: componentDidMount lifecycle onload method00:03:41
Lecture 89: create new react app and understand project structure00:11:14
Lecture 90: project cleanup00:02:20
Lecture 91: installing bootstrap and react vscode extention00:11:10
Lecture 92: create home about contact page00:06:39
Lecture 93: creating navbar component00:12:04
Lecture 94: adding react-router-dom and different routes00:14:13
Lecture 95: Link and NavLink to avoid page reload00:05:18
Lecture 96: Designing About and Contact page00:8:46
Lecture 97: Page not found00:03:45
Lecture 98: Bootstrap vs React-Bootstrap00:09:29
Lecture 99: Using custom styling00:08:36
Lecture 100: setting up backend fake api and db00:19:26
Lecture 101: useState useEffect axios api call and React Dev Tools extesion00:27:15
Lecture 102: showing all users on frontend UI00:12:07
Lecture 103: adding action buttons on frontend00:13:06
Lecture 104: add user navigation routing00:05:17
Lecture 105: create Add User form00:18:00
Lecture 106: set state variable data00:18:04
Lecture 107: save new user to DB via post api call00:13:24
Lecture 108: another way to save user data in DB using post api00:11:31
Lecture 109: edit user prepopulate user data00:19:29
Lecture 110: save updated user in DB00:03:04
Lecture 111: delete a user00:06:32
Lecture 112: view user details00:19:17
Lecture 113: view user address and company info00:10:54
Lecture 114: showing loading spinner00:11:01
Lecture 115: Source code00:00:00