
Practical Junit & Mockito Test with Java SpringBoot & JPA

  • Categories Video Courses
  • Duration 8h
  • Total Enrolled 67
  • Last Update April 1, 2022


Welcome to this amazing course, where you will learn about:

  1. What is unit testing?
  2. Why is unit testing important?
  3. What is Test Driven Development(TDD) ?
  4. How to apply Test Driven Development to the projects?
  5. What is Junit and Mockito?

We will learn to write unit tests using Junit 5 Framework and Mockito Library.

We will start with how projects are developed in software companies using modern stacks like Java, Spring, SpringBoot, Hibernate, Spring Data JPA and Restful webservices.

In this course you will be understanding how different technology and its components work together to build a real world application which end users are able to use in real life. It will be a Property Management System.

We will also learn to relate different concepts with real world examples. In this course we will learn the following:

  • We will learn different concepts Spring Framework and RESTful webservices
  • We will learn about different design patterns like Singleton, Prototype, Factory, MVC, Adapter etc
  • We will learn to create production ready application in a layered architecture
  • We will learn about ORM and Spring data JPA(Java Persistence API)
  • What is Unit Testing
  • What is TDD(Test Driven Development)
  • Why is Testing important
  • What is Junit and Mockito
  • Different Annotations of Junit and Mockito
  • Comparison between Junit-4 and Junit-5
  • Writing Test cases for the project’s different API endpoints
  • Checking the code coverage & Debugging
  • Writing Test cases for Success, Failure and Error scenarios
  • Test cases for Model classes
  • You will also get the complete source code used in the course.

What Will I Learn?

  • You will learn about Unit testing and Test Driven Development(TDD) Approach
  • You will learn to write Junit and Mockito test cases for various scenarios
  • You will learn about Spring, SpringBoot and Create REST API's using different Annotations
  • You will learn to code with Layered Architecture approach
  • You will learn about Hibernate and JPA ORM framework and how to work with them
  • You will learn all this by the help of a project and complete hands-on

Topics for this course

64 Lessons8h

Section 1: Introduction Setup and Concept Building

Lecture 1: Course Overview00:2:36
Lecture 2: What is Unit Testing and Test Driven Development00:8:41
Lecture 3: Software Installation00:03:35
Lecture 4: Generating Springboot starter project00:03:11
Lecture 5: Walkthrough of Springboot starter project files and folders00:14:14
Lecture 6: Introduction to Spring Framework and SpringBoot00:09:39
Lecture 7: RESTful webservices Http methods Status code SpringBoot Annotation00:15:17
Lecture 8: MVC Design Pattern Part-100:14:52
Lecture 9: MVC Design Pattern Part-200:14:52
Lecture 10: Understanding and Creating DTO00:08:27
Lecture 11: Understanding RESTful webservice with practical example00:12:49
Lecture 12: Understanding RequestParam annotation with practical code example00:22:49
Lecture 13: Undesrtanding PathVariable annotation with practical code example00:14:07
Lecture 14: Undesrtanding Post Put Delete annotation and ResponseEntity with practical code00:24:08

Section 2: Layered Architecture, ORM Framework and Creating new property API

Section 3: GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE operation on properties

Section 4: Unit Test & Different Annotations

Section 5: Lifecycle of Test and Assertions

Section 6: Writing Test Cases with JUnit 5

Section 7: Writing Test Cases for Controller Layer

Section 8: Writing Test Cases for Converter & Service layer

Section 9: Writing Test cases for Exception and Model

Section 10: Source Code

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Course covers unit testing and springboot concepts with practicals, recommended to anyone who wants real experience



  • Basics of Java Programming Language

Target Audience

  • Anyone who wants to become a real backend developer and start to work in companies as a developer of develop high quality projects of their own