Learn to implement SpringBoot based Microservices and RESTful API’s architecture from scratch in a practical step by step approach.
Microservices architecture has many advantages like:
Following are the steps we will cover:
1.1-Generating and Setting up of product service
1.2-Create product entity class with annotation
1.3-Create product repository
1.4-Creating controller and GET and POST endpoints
1.5-Test GET and POST endpoint with Postman
2.1-Generating and Setting up of booking service
2.2-Understanding Discovery service and Service registry
2.3-Generating and Setting up Discovery Service
2.4-Registering Product service as client to Discovery service
2.5-Registering Booking service as client to Discovery service
2.6-Understanding config server and centralized configuration
2.7-Create git repo and add properties files
2.8-Generate github token and use in Intellij to push code
2.9-Generating and Setting up of Configuration service
2.10-Configuring config server to fetch different profile based properties from github
2.11-Connecting booking service to config server on dev profile
2.12-Connecting product service to config server on dev profile
2.13-RefreshScope introduction
2.14-Implementing RefreshScope Part-1
2.15-Implementing RefreshScope Part-2
2.16-HarshiCorp vault setup part-1
2.17-HarshiCorp vault setup part-2
2.18-Storing booking service secrets in Vault
2.19-getting vault data in microservice
3.1-Implementing message broker
3.2-Installing RabbiMQ
3.3.0-Using RabbitMQ in microservice
3.3.1-Fixing the vault secret fetching issue
3.4-What is API Gateway
3.5-Setup and Configuration of API gateway
3.6-Testing the API’s with API Gateway Part-1
3.7-Testing the API’s with API Gateway Part-2
3.8-Installing and setting up Keycloak server
3.9-Configuring keycloak client and user
3.10-Configuring spring security filter in API Gateway to intercept request
3.11-Configure Product Service as Resource Server
3.12-Testing API Gateway and Keycloak security
4.1-Overview of Circuit Breaker Pattern
4.2-Generating the stock project from springboot starter
4.3-Implementing entity repository and controller
4.4-Configuring properties for stock service
4.5-Implementing entity controller repository for booking service
4.6-Implementing Feign client call from booking to stock service
Brilliant explanation and hands-on coding, highly recommended