Section 1: Introduction Setup and Concept Building
Lecture 1: Course Overview00:3:06
Lecture 2: Software Installation00:3:35
Lecture 3: Generating Springboot starter project00:3:11
Lecture 4: Walkthrough of Springboot starter project files and folders00:14:14
Lecture 5: Introduction to Spring Framework and SpringBoot00:9:39
Lecture 6: RESTful webservices Http methods Status code SpringBoot Annotation00:15:17
Lecture 7: MVC Design Pattern Part-100:14:52
Lecture 8: MVC Design Part-200:5:57
Lecture 9: Understanding and Creating DTO00:8:27
Lecture 10: Understanding RESTful webservice with practical example00:12:49
Lecture 11: Understanding RequestParam annotation with practical code example00:22:49
Lecture 12: Undesrtanding PathVariable annotation with practical code example00:14:07
Lecture 13: Undesrtanding Post Put Delete annotation and ResponseEntity with practical code00:24:08
Section 2: Layered Architecture, ORM Framework and Creating new property API
Lecture 14: Save new property Post endpoint00:7:51
Lecture 15: Creating Service layer Dependency Injection Autowired Singleton Prototype00:14:54
Lecture 16: Understanding Layered Architecture and Need for different database in DTAP00:6:19
Lecture 17: Overview of Hibernate ORM Framework and JPA specification00:40:16
Lecture 18: Understanding how ORM framework like Hibernate work and different hibernate00:14:52
Lecture 19: Working on Entity class and understanding different JPA annotation00:9:11
Lecture 20: Saving Property in DB with PropertyRepository00:22:48
Lecture 21: MVC pattern00:2:37
Lecture 22: Added PropertyConverter for DTO to Entity00:5:41
Lecture 23: Sending back the new entity along with status using ResponseEntity00:10:49
Section 3: GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE operation on properties
Lecture 24: Get All Properties00:10:58
Lecture 25: PutMapping and full update of a property00:13:38
Lecture 26: Partial update of price or Description using patch operation00:13:38
Lecture 27: Delete property by property id and Delete mapping00:5:58
Section 4: Spring Profiles and Configuration Properties
Lecture 28: Understanding about Spring Profiles00:1:40
Lecture 29: Implementing Spring Profile with Different DB config for DTAP00:7:36
Lecture 30: Testing Profile configuration for different environment database00:5:00
Lecture 31: Reading custom config properties inside Java class00:8:29
Section 5: Git and Github
Lecture 32: Setting up Git and Github for our local project00:6:47
Lecture 33: Committing and Pushing our local code changes to Github server00:9:45
Lecture 34: Connecting Intellij Editor with Github00:4:00
Lecture 35: Important Git operations that Developer must know00:9:07
Section 6: User Login and Registration and Sonar Analysis
Lecture 36: Underrstanding User Login and Registration00:1:26
Lecture 37: Creating UserEntity and UserRepository00:2:38
Lecture 38: Creating UserService Interface and DTO00:2:46
Lecture 39: Working on UserService Impl00:2:03
Lecture 40: Working on User Converter layer00:3:56
Lecture 41: Completing the User Registration flow00:4:28
Lecture 42: Test User Registration Functionality00:7:01
Lecture 43: JsonIgnore and JsonInclude Annotation00:2:38
Lecture 44: Sonar Analysis and Git commit00:8:08
Lecture 45: FindBy and JPQL queries00:07:54
Lecture 46: Creating Login REST API endpoint and integrate with service layer00:03:56
Lecture 47: Testing User Login Functionality00:01:57
Section 7: AOP and Error handling
Lecture 48: What is Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)00:03:47
Lecture 49: Creating the Error Model00:01:56
Lecture 50: Creating Custom Exception class00:02:58
Lecture 51: Creating Custom AOP Exception Handler00:07:05
Lecture 52: Throw Custom Exception for Invalid login00:04:16
Lecture 53: Testing the Invalid Login Attempt00:02:33
Lecture 54: Avoid duplicate user registration with same email00:04:34
Lecture 55: Testing duplicate registration and committing code to Github00:03:11
Lecture 56: Adding Field Level Validation Annotation00:06:31
Lecture 57: Custom Handler for field level error handler00:06:24
Lecture 58: Enabling Field level Validation with @Valid annotation00:03:47
Section 8: Logging with Logback and Pull Request process
Lecture 59: Overview of Logging and Logging Levels00:06:46
Lecture 60: Adding logback xml configuration and logger statements00:11:06
Lecture 61: Testing Logging with different profiles and committing code to github00:07:01
Lecture 62: Raising Pull Request for code review00:02:22
Section 9: Swagger Automatic API Documentation
Lecture 63: Understanding about Swagger API documentation00:02:40
Lecture 64: Configuring Swagger Documentation00:06:40
Lecture 65: Exploring Swagger JSON from Consumers Point of View00:03:50
Lecture 66: Exploring Swagger UI and accessing different API endpoints00:02:49
Lecture 67: Enriching Swagger Documentation with extra Annotation00:04:31
Lecture 68: Produces and Consumes application json00:02:55
Section 10: Application Health Monitoring
Lecture 69: Monitoring with Springboot Actuator00:6:48
Lecture 70: Enabling web and jmx endpoints for monitoring00:4:14
Section 11: Different types of Entity Relationship
Lecture 71: Understanding Relationship in SpringData JPA00:02:08
Lecture 72: Adding ManyToOne relationship in Property00:05:27
Lecture 73: Get the User from DB and Set to the Property entity00:05:43
Lecture 74: Save multiple Property belonging to one user00:03:05
Lecture 75: Updating Controller Service Repository00:06:20
Lecture 76: Testing the Get All properties for One User00:06:06
Lecture 77: FetchType Eager VS FetchType Lazy00:04:54
Lecture 78: One to One Relationship00:04:16
Lecture 79: Creating Repository and Updating Logic in DTO and Service for Saving Address00:5:13
Lecture 80: Testing One To One relationship00:2:59
Section 12: Source Code
Lecture 81: Source code for the course00:00:00